Normal Delivery

Normal Delivery

The birth of a baby is a joyous new beginning and motherhood an incredible journey. It is the most positive, life-changing experience for not only the mother-to-be but also the entire family. At Healing Touch Hospital, we understand that this experience is part of a journey that begins at conception and lasts well beyond. And so our Premium Birthing Suites specially create ideal environments that make new beginnings a joyful, personal experience.


  • Qualified and trained Gynaecologists, Obstetricians, Neonatologist, Pediatricians, Anesthetists and Sonologists are available around the clock to care of you throughout your pregnancy and delivery.

  • State-of-the-art foetal monitoring system for complete safety of both mother and child.

  • Baby Warmer to create cozy, thermo-stable environment for the baby.

  • Open resuscitation system.

  • Close to operation theatres incase of emergency C-Section.

Healing Touch Hospital wants to help expecting parents to share this joy with their family by pre-preparing them for the birth of their baby. Our childbirth education sessions demystify common fears and concerns regarding pregnancy, labour, delivery, and parenting.

Healing Touch Hospital encourages mothers to go for normal delivery and enjoy the complete birthing experience. We offer epidural anesthesia for painless natural delivery to give maximum comfort to the mother during the normal delivery.